Iowa Pacific Holdings

- Iowa Pacific EMD/MK GP40FH-2
- San Luis and Rio Grande EMD E9A ex-Illinois Central Alex Ryburn Drawing
- San Luis and Rio Grande EMD E9A ex-NYS&W
- San Luis and Rio Grande EMD E9A ex-Wisconsin & Southern Alex Ryburn Drawing
- Iowa Pacific Fruit Express Reefer ex-Amtrak
- Mid-America Railcar Leasing Smoothside Coach Dyersburg Alex Ryburn Drawing
- Mid-America Railcar Leasing Streamline Baggage-Dorm Sunset Harbor Alex Ryburn Drawing
- Mid-America Railcar Leasing Streamline Baggage-Dorm Sunset Harbor Alex Ryburn Drawing
- Mid-America Railcar Leasing Streamline Coach DuQuoin Alex Ryburn Drawing
- Mid-America Railcar Leasing Streamline Coach Durant Alex Ryburn Drawing
- Mount Hood Railroad PT72 Coach
- San Luis and Rio Grande C-1 Coach Alex Ryburn Drawing
- San Luis and Rio Grande Coach #132 Alex Ryburn Drawing
- San Luis and Rio Grande Coach #133 Alex Ryburn Drawing
- San Luis and Rio Grande Coach #133 Alex Ryburn Drawing
- San Luis and Rio Grande Comet I Cab Car #5120
- San Luis and Rio Grande Comet I Coach
- San Luis and Rio Grande Diner #448 Alex Ryburn Drawing
- San Luis and Rio Grande Dome-Lounge #59 Alex Ryburn Drawing
- San Luis and Rio Grande Dome-Lounge #554 Alex Ryburn Drawing
- San Luis and Rio Grande Dome-Lounge #554 Alex Ryburn Drawing
- San Luis and Rio Grande Dorm-Diner-Lounge Observation #3312 Alex Ryburn Drawing
- San Luis and Rio Grande Open-Air Observation #1056 Alex Ryburn Drawing
- San Luis and Rio Grande Parlor-Observation #3310 Alex Ryburn Drawing
- San Luis and Rio Grande Tavern-Lounge Observation #3305 Alex Ryburn Drawing