Union Pacific Business Train

All GIFs on this page were drawn by Alex Ryburn.

- 205
- 206
- 207
- 208
- 1869
- 2055
- 2066
- 5769
- 5779
- Arden
- Art Lockman
- Cabarton
- Cabarton
- Challenger
- Challenger
- Cheyenne
- Cheyenne
- Cheyenne
- City of Denver
- City of Los Angeles
- City of Los Angeles
- City of Portland
- City of Portland
- City of Portland
- City of Salina
- City of Salina
- City of San Francisco
- Colorado Eagle
- Columbia River
- Columbine
- Council Bluffs
- Feather River
- Feather River
- Feather River
- Fox River
- Golden State Limited
- Green River
- Harriman
- Howard Fogg
- Howard Fogg
- Idaho
- Idaho
- Idaho
- Jim Adams
- Joe Jordan
- Katy Flyer
- Kenefick
- Kenefick
- Lake Bluff
- Lake Forest
- Lincoln
- Little Rock
- Lone Star
- Lone Star
- Lone Star
- Lynn Nystrom
- Lynn Nystrom
- Missouri River Eagle
- North Platte
- North Platte
- Omaha
- Overland
- Pacific Domain
- Pacific Limited
- Pacific Limited
- Pony Express
- Portland Rose
- Portland Rose
- Portola
- Portola
- Powder River
- Powder River
- Promontory
- Promontory
- Reed Jackson NMRA 75 Years
- Reed Jackson UP 150 Years
- Reed Jackson Excursion Adventure
- Reed Jackson Grand Canyon State Steam Special
- Sherman Hill
- Sherman Hill
- Shoshone
- Silver Lariat (Leased)
- Silver Rapids (Leased)
- Stanford
- St Louis
- St Louis
- Sunset
- Sun Valley
- Sun Valley
- Sunshine Special
- Sunshine Special
- Texas Eagle
- Texas Eagle
- Walter Dean
- Walter Dean
- Willie James
- Wyoming